Through the FDCPA and the Texas Debt Collection Act Our Lawyers Bring Lawsuits Against Abusive Debt Collectors

Eric Roberson and Bess Masterson, Attorneys

Eric Roberson and Bess Masterson, Attorneys

Are debt collectors calling you? Does it feel like harassment? You can do something about this problem. You have rights and protections under Texas and federal law. You have the power to stop these abusive practices. We can help you learn how to protect yourself from unsavory debt collectors.

Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) and Federal Trade Commission (FTC) Protect Against Abusive Debt Collectors

The CFPB and FTC are the federal agencies that serve as watchdogs for consumers impacted by debt collectors. The FTC prosecutes rogue debt collectors. The CFPB provides advice on how to deal with debt collectors and offers sample letters to debt collectors on a range of issues that consumers may use to start a claim or resolve a debt collection problem. However, neither are authorized to represent individual consumers who are being harassed by debt collectors. To do that, you need your own lawyer.

Let's Connect

Legal Rights of Consumers Under the FDCPA Assure Protections from Debt Collectors

The Fair Debt Collections Practices Act is a federal statute that regulates the actions of debt collectors. When you wish to take legal action against a debt collector, our consumer protection lawyers have decades of experience. One of our consumer fraud lawyers worked at the FTC previously, shutting down debt collectors and their companies who violated the FDCPA. If you want to start consumer litigation, you can get the conversation going by calling our office or clicking here to find an online form to fill out and send us.

Here are some actions by debt collectors that are illegal:

  • Calling you while you are trying to dispute a debt,
  • Calling you at your workplace when you specifically asked this not be done,
  • Using social media to reach you about a debt,
  • Disputing the debt amount owed,
  • Contacting a boss, relative or friend about your debt,
  • Calling before 8 am or after 9 pm,
  • Threatening to place you on a bad debt list, and
  • Calling to threaten you with arrest or legal action, among other acts.

The Texas Debt Collection Act (TDCA) Protects Against Wage Garnishment

The Texas Debt Collection Act covers the same areas as the FDCPA. However, the Texas law has a broader scope as to which debt collectors are governed by it and applies to anyone attempting to collect a consumer debt. Texas law limits credit card interest rates and prohibits businesses from charging customers extra for using credit cards. Interest rates and credit card charges are regulated in Texas. And, the TDCA protects Texans from wage garnishment and liens against property. Still, the federal FDCPA is a most vital debt collection law in Texas.

Our Clients Tell Us

Click on this link to read some of the many client testimonials that people have sent us to thank our consumer protection attorneys for getting them back on track. Kilgore & Kilgore can do the same for you.

Reach Out to our Consumer Fraud Lawyers

To see if we can help you with a consumer protection case, contact us. We offer a free review of the facts of your case. Just complete and submit a contact us form. Click here to get started, contact Kilgore Law.

Press Release

Eric Roberson of the FTC negotiated a settlement and a stipulated $4 million dollar judgment against a debt collection company for illegally charging convenience fees for paying debt through online credit charges or Automated Clearing House (ACH) transactions:
Press Release: FTC v. RTB Enterprises, 2014